Executive Coaching

Join us in building better leaders

to create a better world.

True leadership leaves a trail of inspiration in its wake. From 1-on-1 coaching to team sessions, we work with individuals and organizations to foster environments that support growth and excellence. At Sixth Wing, we define coaching as a collaborative partnership, based on trust, that helps you realize your desired goals.

We draw upon our business experience and leadership roles in the military as the foundation of our strengths based coaching model. Having worked in intense operational environments, we deeply understand that peak performance isn’t developed in a crisis. Rather, the awareness and habits we build every day dictate our success as situations evolve in today’s dynamic professional environment. 

Through the executive coaching relationship, we move you forward towards your their goals. Serving as objective thought partners, we create time and mental space for you to reflect on your chosen focus areas. We introduce resources and tools to add breadth to your knowledge base. We also serve as an external source of accountability, helping create the clarity that will unlock action.

What to expect

Bring your full self to the coaching process.

Executive coaching asks you to look inward to build awareness and align your actions to your goals. We can’t help you get to where you want to be if you don’t bring all of yourself, the successes and the challenges, to the process.

Leverage a research backed assessment to learn.

Growing new self awareness is a cornerstone of the coaching process. We leverage the best assessment aligned with your specific goals to create new insight and frameworks for thinking about yourself and your interactions with others.

Set clear goals.

Humans move forward with clarity and purpose when they have a defined picture of what they are moving towards. We help you clarify the picture of what you most want to achieve at the start of your coaching engagement, and then work towards those goals during your sessions.

Bring your most pressing challenges to each session.

The client leads every coaching session, while our job is to ask impactful questions which clarify your thinking and next steps. We pivot based on what needs your attention most.

You hold the answers you need.

The fundamental belief of executive coaching is that you, your team, and your organization is the expert on itself. You hold the context, information and nuances that are the keys to the right next step. Our role is to help you clarify those answers, and unlock any resistance to implementing them. Designing the solutions you most need is the key to helping your team and organization soar.

True leadership leaves a trail of inspiration that raises us all.


Leadership Development Programs

At Sixth Wing, our customized leadership development programs for executive and emerging leaders are designed to help individuals grow and refine the skills needed for their leadership journeys.


Facilitated Events

When it comes to facilitated sessions, we seek to maximize learning while creating the environment for partnership and understanding. Our sessions are designed with context from our clients and range from facilitating off-sites to facilitated events where groups develop new thinking around specific leadership topics.