Leadership Development Programs

Helping entire organizations

reach new heights.

Education equips leaders to meet the uncertainty inherent in today’s professional environment. We ground all of our leadership development programs in the fundamental belief of executive coaching that every organization is the expert on itself, and holds the answers to their greatest challenges. Impactful leadership developing programming depends on expanding the participant’s thinking while clarifying opportunities to put new skills immediately into action.

We collaborate with you and customize your leadership program to equip your leaders with the specific skills and thinking they need to lead to new heights. Drawing on the foundational elements listed below, we deliver programs that create an impactful and interactive adult learning experience. We balance immediate impact with lasting results.

Foundational elements of Sixth Wing learning development programs.

Facilitated events

Full group and small group facilitated events maximize learning while creating partnership and relationship building opportunities for program participants.

Dean/mentor integration

Developing and including organization leaders beyond the program participants to serve as deans or mentors for the program generates firm wide investment, while also building deep relationships and growth opportunities for additional leaders.

Leadership assessments

Leveraging assessments at the beginning, middle, and end of a program provides measurable feedback on the overall program and participant impact.

Self-paced learning

We leverage self-paced learning throughout a cohort and as a tail of support to stimulate new thinking, expose participants to different learning modalities and reinforce lessons learned.

Executive coaching

Executive coaching used in concert with a leadership program or as a tail of support for alumni deepens participants' awareness, understanding, and continued growth.

True leadership leaves a trail of inspiration that raises us all.


Executive Coaching

True leadership leaves a trail of inspiration in its wake. From 1-on-1 coaching to team sessions, we work with individuals and organizations to foster environments that support growth and excellence.


Facilitated Events

When it comes to facilitated sessions, we seek to maximize learning while creating the environment for partnership and understanding. Our sessions are designed with context from our clients and range from facilitating off-sites to facilitated events where groups develop new thinking around specific leadership topics.